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TomoChain TOMO: An Efficient Blockchain TomoChain TOMO Review

what is tomocoin

A big part of TomoCoin will be used in a Reward Engine/ EcosystemBuilding program as a reward for developers and early contributors. With the Reward Engine, Tomo application users will have a built-in economic incentive to create valuable content that will help “bootstrap” the social network’s knowledge base until a network effect kicks in. At the same time, TomoCoin will gain a fundamental value by being the native crypto-currency of the social network. Each Tomo application account will integrate a coin wallet and will use this credit for financial transactions within the application. Ecosystem Building program for TomoChain will help to create a diverse set of d-apps and token community utilizing the technology and supporting the development of the infrastructure for the long term. Tomochain is our blockchain infrastructure solution to the scalability problem with Tomoapp and with blockchain technology in general.

  • This means that you can hold your coins until you can sell them at a higher price to make a profit.
  • TomoChain has three primary pieces of their ecosystem which includes TomoChain Core Blockchain, Protocols and Products.
  • There are a number of requirements that go into running a TomoChain masternode.
  • All of this with instant confirmation, near zero transaction fees and smart contracts?
  • Overall, Vietnam-based TomoChain seems to have a decent mix

    of talented individuals who have the expertise required to create and operate a

    quality blockchain.

TomoChain released its mainnet back in December 2018 and it came with a large number of changes. The changes included the move to an independent chain, the addition of masternodes and the addition of Proof-of-Stake Voting (POSV). Both of these are crucial since to realize its disruptive potential blockchains will need to work at scale, and they will need to have a way to work together. One of the major functions of blockchains that stand to forever change the financial systems of the world is the way they move and record funds between accounts. Besides attempting to solve the known scalability issues with the Ethereum blockchain, TomoChain is also aiming to solve interoperability issues as well. In this Tomochain review, I will give you what you need to know about the project.

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Over the first eight years, there is a fixed supply of 100 million TOMO and after the first eight years, another 17 million TOMO will be available for block rewards. The council of masternodes is also able to vote to increase the total supply by up to 1 million TOMO each year. The switch to masternodes made TOMO a mintable currency rather than a minable currency. The masternodes, what is tomocoin of which there are currently 150, are used to create and verify blocks and are compensated for doing so with minted TOMO. Tomochain (TOMO) is a project that is trying to help scale the Ethereum blockchain – no doubt a pressing concern in the face of previous network bloat. Know that in the last several years the attention cryptos have drawn to themselves is increasing.

  • TomoChain has had a successful run so far, and the mainnet launch was both successful and impressive.
  • The price of TomoChain in the ICO was $ 0.25 and the token sale ended on Mar 2, 2018.
  • TomoCoin builds blockchain infrastructure for decentralized applications, token issuance and integration.
  • A good first App for the TomoChain project, but it would require more Apps to function as a network / infrastructure for The Internet of Value.
  • TomoChain will also utilize technologies like double validation, smart contract staking and uniform randomization to ensure chain stability and finality.
  • The core blockchain is controlled by the project’s Masternode network which gives security to it also.
  • TomoChain plans to support horizontal scaling via adding more second layer blockchains with good performance integrated with Ethereum for backup and atomic cross-chain transfer.

They can work with anyone, and hence you do not have to possess skills to take advantage of their out of this word services. I’ve had a play around with the TomoApp as it has all the features you’d expect from a social media platform (liking, sharing, following etc) and is quick and easy to get setup. I won’t be commenting on every section, some are just straight up facts / general info but is still worth mentioning such as the team, coin economics, token sale and distribution and so on. This goes counter to the popular Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism, which rewards those who have the most raw computing power, leading to centralized mining cartels and monopolies. The decentralized nature of the masternode architecture allows everyone to benefit from being part of the network, not just those who are able to afford powerful hardware.

TomoChain News

Once confirmed, masternodes will create blocks in a round robin/double validation powered consensus model. At the end of each epoch (block creation period), the masternodes that have signed finalized blocks are rewarded. One project that took the tried and tested Ethereum formula

and added features that enable it to scale on a commercial level is TomoChain. The Internet of Value is understood as a phase when values and digital assets exist as a packet of information on Internet via blockchain technology. These packets of information are transparent, secure, programmable, and globally accessible to anyone with Internet.

Tomocoin uses proof of authority and build nodes in many locations to ensure the database is in a highly secure and immutable state. They are committed to building a community, decentralizing governance, upgrading infrastructure, and establishing ICO platform on Tomochain. Tomocoin has its token sale scheduled to begin on March 1st, 2024 and there is currently no end date set. The tokens are referred to as TMC and they will be distributed in the form of ERC20.

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TomoChain has three primary pieces of their ecosystem which includes TomoChain Core Blockchain, Protocols and Products. The core blockchain is controlled by the project’s Masternode network which gives security to it also. By utilizing the PoS Voting consensus algorithm, TomoChain makes decentralized and efficient transactions conceivable. DApps can be found in the protocols, they are easy to use and permit clients to keep their privacy while safely utilizing said decentralized applications. The products incorporate a crypto wallet, a staking app, and block explorers among others. The entire rewards system will be based on the project’s token, called TomoCoin (ticker TOMO), which is expected to gain value from the increased network activity as well.

what is tomocoin

This App reminds me of Okwave, I think it is a good initiative if properly developed. A good first App for the TomoChain project, but it would require more Apps to function as a network / infrastructure for The Internet of Value. The real success for this blockchain will be when they implement sharding.

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