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Bargaining with movers – should you do it?

Lowering the costs of your move sounds like an excellent idea. So, you got rid of things, hired affordable movers in Saddle River and packed yourself to reduce the moving price. This is all very good, but how can you reduce your moving price even further. Bargaining with movers is one more way to potentially get a better price for your relocation. However, you’ll need to be careful of many things so you don’t end up making a bigger problem for yourself.

Things to consider when bargaining with movers

Any type of negotiation requires people skills, skill, and heart. Especially bargaining with your relocation specialists. Only you can know if you’re a good negotiator or not. However, we can offer some suggestions you should consider when you’re negotiating your move. And if you want to be better at bargaining, see this how to become a better negotiator guide. This may save you from being a victim of fraud or spending too much money.

Do your homework

If you want to bargain with your relocators you need to be prepared. In order for you to have the upper hand in the negotiations, you’ll have to research your moving company well. Get as much information as possible. Focus on company policies first to see whether your choice movers are even open to bargaining. Next, you should check their prices. See which of those fit into your planned budget, and which of them are ready to bargain. Sometimes a company will not openly announce it but ask people who’ve dealt with the company before. Here at New Jersey Transport, we like to bargain and we have great negotiators!

A person researching movers before bargaining.

Research potential movers well.

Avoid scams when bargaining with movers

Unfortunately, scams are always possible in today’s world. Sometimes, it seems there are more snake oil salesmen than honest entrepreneurs in the 21st century. This means that you’ll need to be careful when you’re bargaining with movers. If an offer seems too good to be true, make sure you research your movers well. Never sign any blank contracts or anything you’re not comfortable with. Also, if you’re not sure what the signs of a scam are, you can check out how to avoid NJ moving scams.


Don’t be afraid to compare multiple moving companies. N0t only will this give you a larger pool of possible choices, but it will also give you an excellent bargaining chip. Don’t be afraid to mention the competition’s lower prices or better conditions when bargaining with movers. Even though it won’t always work, you’ll still have a lot of companies in your pool to choose from.

Bargaining with movers is easier if you compare the prices

Comparing prices will save you from overpaying for a move.

Apart from this, don’t forget to check the prices of the company you opted for. Look online or ask around for people who hired the same company. Ask them how much they paid for it and compare it to your price. Sometimes these prices will differ because the company changed its policies or had a special promotion. Sometimes, however, you’ll be able to lower the cost of your move. This is especially important if you need commercial movers NJ. If you are the owner of a small business, you need to be extra careful about how much money you spend on your move.

Never bargain with movers when…

Even though we encourage you to try and bargain with movers, there are some situations in which you shouldn’t accept the negotiations. You should mostly avoid the signs of scams and fraud, but, there are some other things you should also keep away from. You should never bargain with your moving company when:

  • the bargain involves a bet – don’t accept any bargains which have a bet tied to them in any way. If your moving company rep offers to flip a coin or to shoot three-pointers to determine the price, thank him but don’t accept. Apart from being entirely unprofessional, this can also be considered a wager. Besides, betting is illegal, not to mention that you may lose the bet. Then, all your bargaining with movers would’ve been for nothing.
  • you signed a contract already – if you’ve already signed a contract with the company don’t try to bargain with your movers. They won’t be able to change the price from the contract. Besides, it’s rude to ask them to change the price on the moving day. If your contract doesn’t have a specific price in it, you should ask your movers to include it.
  • you don’t trust the rep – all bargains are void if both sides aren’t honest. So, if you bargain only the representatives you trust. Also, try to have them put it in writing or get approval from their superiors. This way it’s more legitimate and binding.
A person bargaining with movers before they signed a contract

Don’t bargain with movers if you’ve already signed a contract

Should you bargain with your movers?

Some people are too embarrassed to try and bargain for a lower price. They feel silly or they think it’s rude. Others believe they can’t do it, or they are afraid someone will get the better of them. Even though that’s always a risk, we encourage to try bargaining with movers. In the best case scenario, you’ll reduce the cost o your move. On the other hand, if you decide you don’t like the results of your negotiation you can always go back to the original price or choose different movers. Either case, you’ll come out on top.

Two people shaking hands

A good deal ends with everyone happy.

However, the best negotiation is the one in which both sides walk away happy. So, no self-respecting negotiator will decline a reasonable offer. Make sure your expectations are realistic and prepare to compromise. Decide on a limit you won’t go over and stick to it. Sometimes, moving companies will try to offer you other services if the price remains the same. You’ll need to decide if you want or need these and use that in your negotiations. When you’re bargaining with movers you’ll need to be adaptable.

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